
Hábitat Argentina + Saint-Gobain: more than painting

One of the most evident characteristics of popular neighborhoods and settlements is to see the houses without any kind of plaster. The brick landscape is not only an aesthetic issue, the lack of coating generates humidity and seepage that affect the health of families. What is the plaster The plaster is a coating layer that
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Integration of the Saladero neighborhood: we close the first stage!

Within the framework of the “Argentina United for the Integration of Popular Neighborhoods”, a program within  the Secretary of Socio-Urban Integration of the Nation (SISU),’ Habitat for Humanity Argentina ‘finished an Early Works Project (POT) in the Saladero neighborhood of Bahía Blanca which left home connections for running water, trees, sidewalks and garbage cans. The
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The Integration Model

One of the fastest growing phenomena over the last decade has been the expansion of poor neighborhoods throughout the country. Cities are the areas with the most opportunities, where jobs, hospitals and schools are concentrated. However, for many families, access to land to build a home remains virtually impossible in the city. This, among other
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Social Rent NOW Campaign

Social Rent NOW is a Hábitat para la Humanidad Argentina awareness campaign designed to raise awareness about the problem of lack of access to formal rent. For almost 15 years, we have been addressing the rent problem of people living in “conventillos”, tenements and boarding houses on the south side of the city of Buenos
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