Our intervention

Our intervention promotes people and community development, enhancing the resources that already exist in the families and groups that make up the local community.

As such, we offer families that live in inadequate conditions the opportunity to work towards a solution to their housing problem.

For us, it is the families that lead the construction process of their own homes and the management of the solutions. Taking that leadership as a starting point, we hope to establish a connection between various actors: families, volunteers, donors, professionals and the community at large. Everyone, in one way or another, helps to repair, maintain, restore, rethink and improve what the family has agreed on as their goal.

Based on a diagnosis of the housing situation and characteristics of the population in the places we find ourselves working, we propose solutions. Training and community partnership are key in all our operations.

Each of our projects seek to carry out a comprehensive response with the goal of reaching people in different vulnerable situations so that they are able to access adequate housing and diminish the qualitative housing deficit in Argentina.


The increase in the occurrence of climate change related disasters and the renewed trend towards the informality of housing is causing increasing physical, social and environmental vulnerability to disasters and exacerbating urban and social injustice.  

It is imperative that we step up our efforts to address the resulting social crisis with urgent measures to adapt to climate change through more resilient and safe housing and neighborhoods in compliance with the New Urban Agenda.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), also known as Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee that by 2030 every person enjoys peace and prosperity.

Housing is the driver and catalyst for 5 Sustainable Development Goals:

  • End poverty (SDG 1)
  • Gender Equality (SDG 5)
  • Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6)
  • Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11)

Additionally, housing contributes indirectly to 8 other goals (Good Health and Wellbeing; Decent Work and Economic Growth; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Responsible Consumption and Production; Climate Action; Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; Partnerships to achieve these goals).

Help us to help the families of our country. Join our cause!