Home Project

In Argentina, the deficit in qualitative housing (referring to the quality of housing) is far deeper than the deficit in quantitative housing (referring to the number of houses that need to be built). Self-built housing is a way for many families to be able to attain their own home. In many cases, this personal form of access to housing lacks the foundations that protect the health and development of the people living in them. Due to a lack of planning and resources, the families’ technical knowledge is not enough to build a safe home.


At Home Project, we first work with families to identify the most urgent needs for their homes and establish a gradual process towards improving their housing. The family receives the necessary economic resources, which they will later return, along with training and socio-technical support from our team. Using this method, the family is provided with the material resources and knowledge to be able to work towards attaining adequate housing.

Help us to help the families of our country. Join our cause!