Within the framework of our campaign #AlquilerSocialYA (#SocialRentNOW), started at the end of 2022, we are advocating for the implementation of social rent as set forth in Law Number 27.551. To that end, between September 4th and 6th we will hold the 1st Social Rent Workshops in Argentina.
This will be a participatory, joint event between different sectors to contribute to the building up of knowledge, to recognize challenges and to express ideas with respect to this type of access to housing.
It is our intention that these workshops would be a contribution to the understanding and search for solutions on the topic, which is why we believe it to be of the utmost importance to have as many perspectives as possible.
Monday the 4th
–International and National Experiences: cases from Barcelona and Habitat for Humanity Romania. Initiatives from the Institute of Housing in the City of Buenos Aires and the Municipality of Rosario. Moderator: Cristina Reynals.
– Context and Framework of Our Reality Through the Eyes of Experts: with participation from Fernanda García Monticelli, Daniela Gargantini, Cynthia Goytia and Agustín Pascual Sánz. Moderator: Javier Forlenza.
– Working round tables.
Tuesday the 5th
– A Social Rent Program, For Who?: Neighbors Andrea Rivas (AFDA), Paola Urquizo and Jessica Flores (Federal Network of Single-Parent Families). Moderator: Facundo Di Filippo.
– The Role and Involvement of the Private Sector: Marta Liotto (CUCICBA), Daniel Mintzer (Developer), Matías Kelly (Sumatoria), Aldo Lozano and Gustavo Caliciotti (UBP). Moderator: Pamela Cáceres.
– Working round tables.
Wednesday the 6th
– Presentation of housing proposals from electoral candidates
– Plenary and Closing
The Social Rent Workshops are supported by the Universidad Blas Pascal and Habitat for Humanity within the framework of the Home Equals Campaign.