On July 5 we met with members of the Deliberative Council of Bahía Blanca. We participated in a meeting with the Public Works, Urbanization and Housing Commission to request the declaration of social interest housing for the families of El Saladero. This would be a fundamental step that facilitates the process for obtaining the Social Deed. Municipal officials were also present.
In the El Saladero neighborhood, in Ingeniero White, Bahía Blanca, we have been working for more than six years. At the beginning of 2022, we started with an early works project (POT) financed by the Socio-Urban Integration Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. This project will leave more than 130 indoor running water connections, more than 2000 meters of sidewalks and trees.
Registration is a fundamental step in any integration process. When we work to integrate a neighborhood, it is not only about infrastructure works, it must also recognize the right of families to live. For this reason, from Habitat for Humanity Argentina we advocate for the right to write.
The response from officials was very positive. We widely share the interest in making joint efforts to improve the quality of life and access to rights in the neighborhood. We hope that this can soon be a reality by articulating the political will, the support and drive of local organizations and the management contribution that we can provide from Habitat for Humanity Argentina.
In popular neighborhoods, many families do not have supporting documentation for their homes, making it difficult to access basic services and creating a situation of insecurity and instability. The deed reverses this phenomenon, gives them security over their home and is a gateway.