Brigades: the cause unites us

At Habitat for Humanity we say that volunteerism is the hands and heart of everything we do. Volunteers from JP Morgan, Whirlpool, and Bloomberg have helped us over the last month to do more than building improvements—they got hands-on with the problem and the solution.

What are the brigades?

Brigades are one of Habitat for Humanity’s best-known traditions around the world. They are volunteer days where companies, organizations, churches, are at the service of a family or a community to improve homes or community centers.

In this case, workers from JP Morgan, Whirlpool and Bloomberg participated in different brigades, giving their time for the cause of housing. In this way, companies manage to get fully involved with the mission of Habitat for Humanity Argentina.

JP Morgan and Bloomberg were painting two apartments of the Estela de Esperanzas Rental Project for the new families that were about to enter. In this project, families who pay to live in poor conditions in hotels, tenements, – or popular neighborhoods, can access a rent with a staggered subsidy in our building, despite not having the requirements requested by the formal market. In addition to the housing component, training in employability and micro-entrepreneurship is added.

Whirlpool, for its part, participated in a campaign to plaster a community center in Pilar. Thanks to this work, this place that accompanies hundreds of neighbors in the area has safer facilities.

In turn, Saint Gobain and Sherwin Williams donated materials to carry out this activity . Saint Gobain provided the plastering material, while Sherwin Williams donated buckets of paint. One more example of the importance of cooperating between different actors to achieve a common goal: that each person has a decent place to live.

Get involved with the cause

During the day, they were able to meet the heads of household and understand in greater depth the housing problems that affect thousands of families throughout the country.

From Habitat for Humanity Argentina we want to thank the companies and each one of the people who participated in the brigade days for their commitment to the cause and the enormous contribution they made with their work for well-being of the families.

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