In Argentina, the largest percentage of families residing in popular neighborhoods are part of the informal housing market. The self-construction of houses becomes a long process of decades in which resources must be financed and managed through scarce means and without specific knowledge.
In response to the lack of concrete information on the self-construction processes of housing in Argentina, Hábitat para la Humanidad Argentina, TECHO and Prohábitat XXI undertook a specific study in this regard.
The study provides accessible information and seeks to generate conversations that promote opportunities for improvement, involving various actors in the housing ecosystem in the country.
On April 26, 2022 at the headquarters of the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos, Montevideo 938, City of Buenos Aires, the results of the Study were presented with the presence of representatives of companies, organizations and the public sector. The presentations were made by Florencia Drucker (TECHO), Agustín Pascual Sánz (Prohábitat XXI) and Ana Cutts (Hábitat para la Humanidad Argentina). Afterwards, an exchange activity was carried out in groups to co-create ideas and the event closed with the sharing of the conclusions.
This initiative is sponsored by Habitat for Humanity International and takes studies carried out in the region as a reference.