Opportunities for companies and CSR

Our work is based on the articulation with all the actors in society: we know that otherwise, change is impossible. And our mission is also sustained thanks to the support of companies that, year after year, commit themselves through Social Responsibility actions. 

From this perspective, working together with companies as actors committed to the cause of adequate housing is relevant. Through different forms of linkage, we reconcile the objectives of CSR with our actions.

The main ways in which we carry out common goals are as follows:

  • Supporting the Tutored Rentals Program, through which companies finance the remodeling of buildings or apartments so that they can be returned to the rental market, and directed to more families that today live in informal conditions join the formal rent.
  • Through the Corporate Volunteering Program, which mobilizes help for families who are building their home.
  • Financing specific programs such as Workshops and Training that contribute to access to housing and adequate habitat.
  • Sponsorship of the Yearbook and different events. In both cases, the intention of making our mission visible and mobilizing society to collaborate with the different projects..
  • Other ways to align common goals in favor of adequate housing.

Andres Queirel


Help us to help the families of our country. Join our cause!